Quota Issue - New To List

Kurt Laurinaitis kli4561 at saintjoe.edu
Thu Jul 21 14:35:07 EDT 2005

Hello all..

Got Cyrus up and running but don't want people to abuse my space on my 
system, so I would like to setup a quota.  I looked into the docs and it 
mentioned a folver in /var/imap but I have no quota folder, here is the 
step because my partition is ext2

*LINUX SYSTEMS USING EXT2FS ONLY*: Set the user, quota, and partition 
directories to update synchronously. Failure to do this may lead to data 
corruption and/or loss of mail after a system crash. Unfortunately, 
doing so may result in a serious performance hit. If you are using a 
newer filesystem than ext2fs on Linux, this step should not be 
necessary. (Running ext3 in any mode is safe.)

   cd /var/imap
   chattr +S user quota user/* quota/*

I only have the user folder so I am not sure if I just create the folder or where I would begin to setup a quota...can someone point me in the right direction?


   chattr +S /var/spool/imap /var/spool/imap/*

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