Messages lost

Michael Loftis mloftis at
Mon Dec 20 07:28:57 EST 2004

--On Friday, December 17, 2004 17:21 +0100 Jimmy Karlsson 
<jimmy at> wrote:

> Hi!
> Noob question, I have very little experience with Cyrus and may have
> misunderstood everything. I have a problem with Cyrus losing messages (or
> I have misunderstood the log). The following three messages was simply
> lost. The common thing is that none of them have any message id set, I
> have checked my Exim log and the id's are missing at arrival.

As noted by soemone else more versed in Exim you need to reconfigure Exim 
so it does the right thing and adds message-id's.  Furthermore IMAP clients 
may not be able to locate a message without a message-id, nor a message 
with a non-unique message ID -- depending on how the IMAP Client chooses to 
access the folders.  Cyrus is capable of storing duplicates, but by default 
does duplicate delivery suppression (a  good thing, really).

The only time you may run into problems are situations like these, with 
broken MTAs or MUAs.  It's better now, Outlook/Microsoft OLE stuff at one 
time would only generate one message ID per day or per boot -- I never 
really figured out which.  I discovered that one by accident while using 
UW-IMAP back in the day.  There were also atleast two other broken Windows 
MUAs and probably 2 or 3 Unix ones.  They all seem gone now though, 

Anyway, just my $0.02
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