Postfix, SASL/SASL2 and LDAP

Diego Rivera lrivera at
Sat Sep 27 20:05:12 EDT 2003

Hello all

First - for reference, I run Mandrake 9.1 PowerPack.

I have a rather complex problem:  turns out I recompiled postfix to use
SASL2 so I could use saslauthd (the 1.5 SASL libs that come with
Mandrake 9.1 don't seem to like saslauthd - can't recall if they ever
worked with it or not).

Now the can of worms shows itself: when NOT using LDAP (via nss_ldap),
Postfix works fine and authenticates beautifully.  When LDAP is thrown
into the mix (at ANY level) Postfix goes insane with segfaults.

Upon further checking it seems libldap uses libsasl7, but NOT libsasl2
(the one that Postfix uses).  I tried recompiling LDAP to use libsasl2
(OpenLDAP 2.0.27), but no luck - won't work with it.  

I haven't tried the OpenLDAP 2.1.X branch yet and I don't mean to just
yet, cuz it would mean I'd have to maintain it for security updates. 
But it is an option.  I don't even know if that branch uses SASL2 or

So my problem is that both versions of SASL libraries are getting mixed
up.   I'm no genius, but I KNOW this tends to be a problem in general.

My question is: am I totally screwed?  Will I be forced to go to
OpenLDAP 2.1.X and recompile EVERYTHING that touches LDAP (especially
hoping that 2.1.X is backward-compatible with 2.0.X)?


Best wishes,

* Diego Rivera                                            *
*                                                         *
* "The Disease: Windows, the cure: Linux"                 *
*                                                         *
* E-mail: lrivera<AT>racsa<DOT>co<DOT>cr                  *
* Replace: <AT>='@', <DOT>='.'                            *
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