Message IDS

Dan Ohnesorg dan at
Thu Nov 20 04:13:21 EST 2003

I have following problem, I have recovered IMAP server from backup. We 
have lost about 10 hours of emails.

Now arriving emails are getting IDS, which are already used and are known 
to imap clients. For example there was already message 1234. and is lost, 
after recovering from backup the system starts on nuber 1230., and new 
emails get 1231. 1232.... and so on.

The problem is, that I have email number 1234 already in client cache and
client wont download email 1234 from server, or worst, when the cached
copy is flagged as deleted, the server version of 1234 message gets
deleted too.

Is posibble to say cyrus to shift all message ids by some number? It will 
help, when new email are getting numbers above 10000, I am sure, there was 
not a message with such a big id in any mailbox.


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