Distributed mail servers

Sebastian Konstanty Zdrojewski s.zdrojewski at neticon.it
Mon Mar 3 06:29:29 EST 2003

Hello Everybody,

I have a question. I have to design a distributed mail service system. 
One server placed in central america, one in northern europe and one in 
southern... (most probably they will be in cluster but it's not the 
point). All the servers will relay mail for the same domain (someone.com).

Does anybody have a reference to a document with a conceptual design of 
how cyrus may be configured?

TIA, En3pY


Sebastian Konstanty Zdrojewski
IT Analyst

Neticon S.r.l.
via Valtellina, 16 - 20159 Milano
Tel. +39 02 68.80.731
FAX +39
Cell. +39 349.33.04.311
ICQ # 97334916
Web: http://www.neticon.it/
E-mail: s.zdrojewski at neticon.it

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