FYI: Makefile: SITEPREFIX is wrong! [was: imapd (2.1.11) : Strange dirs while installing : /usr/local/local/]

Dennis Leist suse-programming at
Sat Feb 1 19:48:43 EST 2003


I solved my problems with /usr/local/local paths while 'make install'.

Dennis Leist wrote:
 >I tried to compile & install cyrus-sasl-2.1.10 on a debian system 
(Kernel: 2.2.19pre17) from scratch.  Prior to that I installed 
 >After having some problems I made sasl2 run.
 >My configure options for the IMAP are: --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl
Even setting the paths for the configure script didn't help.
 >I don't know why but I got the following while 'make install':
 >Installing /usr/local/local/lib/perl/5.6.1/auto/Cyrus/IMAP/
 >Installing /usr/local/local/man/man1/cyradm.1p
 >Writing /usr/local/local/lib/perl/5.6.1/auto/Cyrus/IMAP/.packlist
 >Appending installation info to 
 >Appending installation info to 

While examining  the Makefiles I found out that  SITEPREFIX was defined as:
(with  $(PREFIX)=/usr/local)

I erased the /local suffix in each Makefile and repeated a 'make install'.

Hope You have better luck

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