sieve reject rule doesnt work

Ilya mail at
Fri Sep 6 00:47:28 EDT 2002

I am trying to get sieve Reject rule to work, but with no luck.
I am running 2.1.9 with exim, I use  lmtpunix
cmd="lmtpd" listen="/var/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=0
fileinto commands work fine, but reject just simply doesn't do anything. I
can see that sieve processed the email because the X-Sieve header is there.
here is the script I use:
require "reject";
if header :contains "Subject" "movie" {reject "Possible";}

Also whenever I run sieveshell or cyradm, the first letter of the first
output line is on a previous line, ie:
> list
ngo  <- active script

and if I actually copy paste these lines into vi or whatever I get only one
> list
ingo  <- active script
> quit

as if there is no new line character there. happens for both cyradm and
sieveshell.> ver
name       : Cyrus IMAPD
version    : v2.1.9 2002/08/30 18:40:23
vendor     : Project Cyrus
os         : FreeBSD
os-version : 4.6-STABLE
environment: Cyrus SASL 2.1.6
             Sleepycat Software: Berkeley DB 3.3.11: (July 12, 2001)
             OpenSSL 0.9.6a 5 Apr 2001
             CMU Sieve 2.2
             TCP Wrappers
             mmap = shared
             lock = fcntl
             nonblock = fcntl
             auth = unix
             idle = poll
             mboxlist.db = skiplist
             subs.db = flat
             seen.db = skiplist
             duplicate.db = db3-nosync
             tls.db = db3-nosync

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