Aborting locker errors...

Lawrence Greenfield leg+ at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Dec 17 22:39:14 EST 2002

--On Wednesday, December 18, 2002 12:39 PM +1100 Rob Mueller 
<robm at fastmail.fm> wrote:

> I'm just wondering if anyone know what this might be about. Seems to be a
> BDB issue and it only happens a few times a day, but I don't know if it's
> harmless or not. Interestingly it occurs on our less loaded server.
> Dec 17 20:31:41 www lmtpd[17675]: DBERROR db3: Aborting locker 8011ca86
> We use skiplist for mailboxdb and seen state, flat for sub, and db3_nosync
> for deliver.db.

This should be due to internal deadlocks in the berkeley db code. (This can 
happen when two different processes are trying to upgrade read locks to 
write locks or split a page.) Generally the bigger the database is the less 
likely this is to happen, which is why you might see it only on your less 
loaded server.

It's one of those "if it isn't happening constantly, it isn't a problem" 


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