Cyrus 2.4 and RFC 5524 (BODYPARTSTRUCTURE option for URLFETCH)
Desnos Gildas
gildas.desnos at
Mon Oct 11 05:09:21 EDT 2010
While trying to implement the RFC 5616 (Streaming Internet Messaging
Attachments), I was led to implement the BODYPARTSTRUCTURE extended option for URLFETCH
command (RFC 5524).
I posted this patch on the bugzilla (Bug n° 3264)
This is probably not a totally final version since bugs may occur while trying to fetch the bodypartstructure for an URL leading to a non-existing part. The GENURLAUTH command let the user generate such non-valids URLs and i don't know if the protection has to be set on the URLFETCH command or on the GENURLAUTH.
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