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Kaycee Palko has invited you to:
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<a style="color: #8F4B24; font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; text-decoration: underline;"
href="http://www.socializr.com/event/746563542/647129358">Student Organization Appreciation Reception</a>
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011,
5:00 PM
to 6:00 PM
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Hosted by Office of Student Activities
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Danforth Lounge, University Center
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Pittsburgh, PA
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<br><strong>Personal message from Kaycee:</strong>
I hope that you can make it to the Student Organization Appreciation Reception from 5-6pm on Wednesday, December 14th in UC Danforth!
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Sent on behalf of Kaycee Palko <kpalko@andrew.cmu.edu> at
12/7/11 11:04 AM
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