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I am interested in signing up for the Alice class. Can you tell me how to sign up?<br>
Thank you. <br>
Deborah Kelleher
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<div id="divRplyFwdMsg" dir="ltr"><font face="Calibri, sans-serif" style="font-size:11pt" color="#000000"><b>From:</b> alice-teachers <alice-teachers-bounces+dkelleher=wesleyanschool.org@lists.andrew.cmu.edu> on behalf of Susan Rodger <rodger@cs.duke.edu><br>
<b>Sent:</b> Thursday, May 9, 2019 4:22:51 PM<br>
<b>To:</b> alice-teachers@lists.andrew.cmu.edu; rodger@cs.duke.edu<br>
<b>Subject:</b> alice-teacher Alice 3 Duke Coursera course - free for teachers in Summer 2019</font>
<div> </div>
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We have created an Alice 3 Programming and Animation Duke Coursera online<br>
course for beginners to learn programming. We will run a special Beta<br>
version of our course this summer for K-12 teachers to take for free. This<br>
special version will launch on June 17, 2019. After the summer, the course<br>
will launch as a regular Coursera course.<br>
Teachers can sign up to take the course for free this summer and be a Beta<br>
Tester. The course is an 8 week course. That is an approximation. Some<br>
weeks could take longer. At least half of the course will be available when<br>
it is released and the later weeks will be released as they are complete,<br>
likely all released by July 15 or earlier.<br>
You must create a Coursera account in order to sign up for our Alice 3<br>
course. We need the email address associated with your Coursera course in<br>
order to add you to the course as a Beta Tester.<br>
If you have questions, you can email rodger@cs.duke.edu, but I will be out<br>
of the country until the end of May 28, so may be slow to answer questions<br>
until then.<br>
Susan Rodger (Duke) and Steve Cooper (University of Nebraska Lincoln)<br>
alice-teachers mailing list<br>
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