.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'> Donald- Thanks for the info. <BR>I had already seen the printout of the compile and was able to locate the executable jar file.<BR>Initial efforts to double click the jar file resulted in an error, so I tried your method although <BR>the need to use command line seemed a little primitive. I received the same error, and read<BR>the README file to see if it could fix the error, but it did not.<BR> <BR>See attached screen cap.<BR> <BR>Mike Owen<BR> <BR><div id="inlineImage0" style="display: inline-block;"><script type="jsv#2777_"></script> <span contenteditable="true"> </span> <div class="inlineImage" style="display: inline-block;" contenteditable="false" unselectable="on" initheight="191" initwidth="828"><img width="828" height="191" src="cid:inlineImage0"></div> <span contenteditable="true"> </span><script type="jsv/2777_"></script></div> <BR> </div></body>