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<div dir="auto">Hi everyone, for the next two weeks, with the run-up to the CHI conference and other events we’re excited to share work out from students here at CMU!<br />
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As usual we’ll be meeting on <strong>Wed 4/12 noon-1PM</strong> in NSH 1109 (in-person) and Zoom (<a href="https://cmu.zoom.us/j/99230267646?pwd=Q2pPRUtBQVJBd25lZmlpNjBYQTZGdz09" target="_blank">https://cmu.zoom.us/j/99230267646?pwd=Q2pPRUtBQVJBd25lZmlpNjBYQTZGdz09</a>)<br />
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We’ll be joined this week by Lucas and Yunzhi:<br />
Lucas is a <span style="color:#0f1419;font-family:TwitterChirp, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size: 15px">masters student at CMU working on neural prosthesis for the blind, and his talk will be titled - </span><strong>Building an accessible pathway to neuroscience research: challenges and solutions on papers, presentations and books.</strong> He will be previewing a talk he’s giving to the <a href="https://accessibility2023.arxiv.org/index.html" target="_blank">arXiv Accessibility Forum next week</a> alongside his research.<br />
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Yunzhi, a Ph.D. student in HCII, will be presenting on his work for CHI - <strong>Breaking the "Inescapable" Cycle of Pain: Supporting Wheelchair Users' Upper Extremity Health Awareness and Management with Tracking Technologies.</strong><br />
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<span style="color:var(--textColor);background-color:var(--backgroundColor)">hope to see you there!</span><br />
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<p style="margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;"><font color="#747474"><span style="caret-color: rgb(116, 116, 116);">---</span></font></p>
<div dir="auto"><font style="background-color: var(--backgroundColor);"><b>JiWoong (Joon) Jang</b></font><font color="#747474"><i style="background-color: var(--backgroundColor);">, (he/him) - </i></font><a href="https://joonbug.me" style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); caret-color: rgb(116, 116, 116);">joonbug.me</a></div>
<div dir="auto"><span style="background-color: var(--backgroundColor);"><font color="#747474">Ph.D. Student, Human-Computer Interaction Institute</font></span></div>
<div dir="auto"><span style="background-color: var(--backgroundColor);"><font color="#747474">Carnegie Mellon University | School of Computer Science</font></span></div>
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