[Access Lunch] Accessibility Lunch Tomorrow (Monday) at 12pm

Jeffrey Bigham jbigham at cs.cmu.edu
Sun Sep 24 16:16:02 EDT 2023

Hi All,

Just a reminder we'll have accessibility lunch tomorrow at 12pm in NSH
4201. I'll order Choolaah.

Most importantly, we'll have a presentation from Yaxin Hu -- information is

Title: Investigating Day-to-day Experiences with Conversational Agents by
Users with Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can cause cognitive, communication, and
psychological challenges that profoundly limit independence in everyday
life. Conversational Agents (CAs) can provide individuals with TBI with
cognitive and communication support, although little is known about how
they make use of CAs to address injury-related needs. In this study, we
gave nine adults with TBI an at-home CA for four weeks to investigate use
patterns, challenges, and design requirements, focusing particularly on
injury-related use. The findings revealed significant gaps between the
current capabilities of CAs and accessibility challenges faced by TBI
users. We also identified 14 TBI-related activities that participants
engaged in with CAs. We categorized those activities into four groups:
mental health, cognitive activities, healthcare and rehabilitation, and
routine activities. Design implications focus on accessibility improvements
and functional designs of CAs that can better support the day-to-day needs
of people with TBI.

We'll set up zoom here, probably starting a bit after 12pm:

See you there!

Associate Professor
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Language Technologies Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
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