[Access Lunch] Next Week Speaker: Emma McDonnell

Francisco Calisto fcalisto at andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Dec 2 12:30:14 EST 2022

Hello All,

Next week, we will have Emma McDonnell presenting her work. As follows, you
will have more information about the next talk.

Emma McDonnell is a 4th year PhD student in Human Centered Design and
Engineering at the University of Washington, advised by Dr. Leah Findlater.
Her work explores ways to build captioning tools that support mixed groups
of hearing and d/Deaf and hard of hearing people in communicating more

The Accessibility Lunch will be next Wednesday, the 7th of December, at
12pm. The meeting will happen both in person (*NSH 1109*) and online (
There will be pizza, so we encourage you to come in person!

*Talk Title:* Toward Collective Access in Captioning Design

*Abstract:* Real-time captioning is a key access tool for many d/Deaf and
hard of hearing (DHH) people, but is an imperfect translation of spoken
conversations. Therefore, simply having captioning present does not
guarantee full access- communication norms are needed to ensure that DHH
people can participate in real time conversation. I will present on my work
codesigning  captioning tools that could support accessible norm
development with groups of DHH and hearing people who communicate together
using captioning online.

Best regards,

Francisco Maria Calisto
Twitter: @FMCalisto <https://twitter.com/FMCalisto>
GitHub: @FMCalisto <https://github.com/FMCalisto>
LinkedIn: @FMCalisto <https://www.linkedin.com/in/fmcalisto/>
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