[Access Lunch] Next Week Speaker: Stephanie Valencia

Francisco Calisto fcalisto at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Nov 22 14:15:44 EST 2022

Hello All,

This week we will take a break from our Access Lunch meetings, but next
week we are coming back! Next week, we will have Stephanie Valencia
presenting her work titled "Designing for Agency and Access" and presenting
it as a *practice job talk*. As follows, you will have more information
about the next talk.

The Accessibility Lunch will be next Wednesday, the 30th of November, at
12pm. The meeting will happen both in person (*NSH 1109*) and online (
There will be pizza, so we encourage you to come in person!

*Talk Title:* Designing for Agency and Access

*Abstract:* Agency is essential to communication, we advance our individual
goals by communicating them. Nonetheless, agency is not a fixed property.
Many individuals who use speech-generating devices to communicate encounter
social constraints and barriers that reduce their agency in conversation
including how much they can say, how they can say it, and when they can say
it. In this talk, I will argue how using agency as a design framework can
serve us to generate accessible communication experiences and center the
perspectives of people with disabilities in the design process of new
technology. I will present two cases of designing with people with
disabilities to explore how different technology materials can support
their agency in conversation. In doing so, I will present accessible design
methods as well as new design guidelines for augmented communication using
fabricated expressive objects and AI-based language generative tools.

Best regards,

Francisco Maria Calisto
Twitter: @FMCalisto <https://twitter.com/FMCalisto>
GitHub: @FMCalisto <https://github.com/FMCalisto>
LinkedIn: @FMCalisto <https://www.linkedin.com/in/fmcalisto/>
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