[Access Lunch] [Accessibility Lunch] Reading for July 9th

Lilian de Greef ldegreef at apple.com
Mon Jul 6 18:48:20 EDT 2020

Hello all,

This week’s reading is about the theory of technology as an amplifier, which presents a different narrative about technology than the often hyped idea of “technology driving social change.” 

While this paper specifically focuses on the ICT4D space (“information and communication technology for development”, a field that explore how technology can improve the lives of underserved populations in low-income regions), it’ll be interesting to explore parallels for accessibility and disability and how this theory applies to our work.

For anyone who wants to learn more, Kentaro Toyama (the author) dives deeper into the topic in his book Geek Heresy <https://geekheresy.org/>.

Here’s a link to the paper: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/1940761.1940772 <https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/1940761.1940772> 
I’ve also attached a pdf to this email.


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